Visual presenter/document camera and The R.A.T. Model
The document camera! A document camera is also know as a visual presenter. In simple terms a document camera is a combination of a digital camera, a microscope, and an overhead projector. It allows you display anything in the grand scheme of things. It has taken the place of and enhanced the over head projector, but you will still need a digital projector, and a computer to make it work. The R.A.T. Model As previously stated the document camera replaced the overhead projector and can be used in the same ways but, now teachers do not have to make a transparency sheet to display for students (Replacement). Teachers now have the ability to ensure each student can see the read aloud book from the grand display (Amplification). Teachers can even think out of the box with the document camera. Did you know you can use a document camera to record a lab that a student missed or even go global and skype with another classroom from across the world (Transformation)? The document camer...