Visual presenter/document camera and The R.A.T. Model

The document camera!

A document camera is also know as a visual presenter. In simple terms a document camera is a combination of a digital camera, a microscope, and an overhead projector. It allows you display anything in the grand scheme of things. It has taken the place of and enhanced the over head projector, but you will still need a digital projector, and a computer to make it work.

The R.A.T. Model

As previously stated the document camera replaced the overhead projector and can be used in the same ways but, now teachers do not have to make a transparency sheet to display for students (Replacement). Teachers now have the ability to ensure each student can see the read aloud book from the grand display (Amplification). Teachers can even think out of the box with the document camera. Did you know you can use a document camera to record a lab that a student missed or even go global and skype with another classroom from across the world (Transformation)?

The document camera can be used in many ways, here are just two resources to take your classroom and library to another level. Document cameras enhance student learning! Document Camera Ideas,Think Outside the Box!


R.A.T. Model. (2016, June 24). Retrieved from


  1. I have to say that my document camera was one of the least-used tools that I had in my classroom...there were times that I could have probably used it but just didn't have the creativity and time to try! My school is getting Promethean boards installed this week and during training, I learned that I can pair my phone with the board and my phone can act as a mobile document camera! I'm so excited about this possibility! Its amazing to think how quickly we've gone from transparency sheets and wet erase markers to using our phones to film anything in the classroom.

  2. As a classroom teacher I loved my document camera and it was really so much better than an “old school” projector. It was nice that it was connected to my computer so I could quickly and easily bounce back and forth between the two formats. I also liked that I could use it for a variety of things, not just projecting a piece of paper. I used it a lot during math when working with coins or shapes and other skills. It was nice that my small manipulatives could be projected onto a large screen with clarity. It was also a great tool that my students could use as well. I liked how you explained its elements using the R.A.T model and learned something new in the transformative section!

  3. Zoan, I did not know that you could Skpe with the document camera! I used the document camera a lot to get student work up on the Smartboard - and for that it was a great way to maintain engagement. For example, students "designed" their own Chinese symbols, and instead of leaving the activity at that, they shared with the class and we discussed the symbolism. But your post definitely opened my eyes to other possibilities with the document camera!

  4. Hi Zoan- I used my document camera a lot as a classroom teacher. Students would project their iPad presentations onto the SmartBoard so everyone in the class could see it. I did not know you could Skype with the document camera. My students last year would have love that!

  5. Zoan, like Jennifer I did not know that you could Skype with another classroom on the document camera, that is something I will have to try out. I use my document camera a lot during math when I am teaching my students how to play a new math game and during science when the class are going through the materials in our FOSS kit. I have also found it especially useful when doing read-aloud.

    Using the R.A.T. model with the document camera, the "replacement" aspect would be simply using the camera as a means of presenting instruction. The "amplification" aspect could be that by using the document camera with read aloud you are increasing the "efficiency and effectiveness of your lesson, by exposing the all students to the same book at the same time and finally the "transformation" aspect of the R.A.T. with the document camera would the using it to Skype with other classrooms, thus, exposing the students to learning or curriculum in new and original ways" (Hughes, 2018).


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