
Shared Foundation III.
Kelly Anne Burbage, Mitchell Elementary

Team Work Makes the Dream Work

Librarians help scholars to work effectively with others to build on their prior knowledge of the standards in order to create new knowledge. Librarians foster a learning environment in which scholars understand how to be social responsible when networking. Students may not see the library as a place to collaborate but it is our job to open their minds to understand collaboration is everywhere. Students working together over a period of time to create a poster by StickTogether is just one way Ms. Burbage incorporates collaboration. Students also get to see first hand how bees work together with the bee colony right in their library.  Ms. Burbage keeps abreast of what teachers are teaching by collaborating in the content area. You have to be intentional so teachers and students know you are there to support them and nothing is isolated. It is challenging to collaborate with teachers because you are usually with their students during their planning time. I have learned through Ms. Burbage I may have to go to the teachers to get them to collaborate, and that it may be better to get the teachers to come in the library to schedule collaboration so they can see what resources we have to offer them. I also understand Collaboration can’t happen overnight.  Teachers have a lot on their plates. Getting teachers to collaborate has to be on their terms and not yours.  When you pull books for teachers and support them, the more they see your value. Resources, schools, and librarians are all different.
Scholars will learn how to collaborate if we model the behaviors we want to see. Creating a book review with a team might be something I could consider to jumpstart the year of collaborating. Teaching the scholars how to listen and provide feedback will also build the collaboration needed in the library. 


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