
AASL graphic

Shared Foundation II.
Cindy Philbeck Simmons-Pinckney Middle School, three years

A school librarian differentiates instruction to support scholars’ understanding of the world around them. Scholars are provided the opportunity to interact with others that have multiple perspectives on the topics within the standards. Mrs. Philbeck implements inclusion competencies in many ways. One example would be how she develops reading paths for students. She makes sure each of her students work with multiple resources to gain the knowledge needed to complete difficult task given. Mrs. Philbeck reaches out to the community so scholars can use resources they may not have at home or around them. She collaborates with classroom teachers to create novel studies so the scholars can learn about diverse perspectives. She provides professional development so the classroom teachers understand how to use a variety of resources to help each of their scholars. Mrs. Philbeck has an opportunity to co-teach the AVID classes at her school which gives her a chance to provide scholars with the opportunity to create, debate, and reflect as they learn through self goals and achievments to push them to see how others around the world learn. Some of the biggest challenges she faces are that the school is a Title I neighborhood school with little diversity so she has to find ways to bring in the diversity through the many different resources of the library. 

As I reflect on our conversation about Shared Foundation II Include, I wonder how I will make sure I can provide the opportunities needed for the scholars of whatever library I become a media specialist. I know I will need to know my scholars’ perspectives in order to provide different diverse viewpoints for them. I know I will have to make them feel empowered enough to want to share their views and not feel judged by their opinions. They must feel included. 


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